Developer CR التطبيقات

Canino Alto y Ortodoncia 3.0.0
Developer CR
Canino Alto y Ortodoncia..mira como laOrtodoncia como corrige un diente en posición altaCanino Alto andOrtodoncia..mira as orthodontics and tooth corrects a highposition
Placas Activas Ortodoncia 7.0.0
Developer CR
Placas Activas en Ortodoncia, tipos de placasy sus funciones en Odontologia.Active Orthodonticplates, plate types and their functions in dentistry.
Tipos de brackets- Ortodoncia 3.0.0
Developer CR
Tipos de brackets- OrtodonciaTypes of brackets-Orthodontics
Apiñamiento dental- Ortodoncia 3.0.0
Developer CR
Mira como se resuleve un caso de apiñamientodentario con Ortodoncia y Extracciones dentariasWatch as a case of dentalcrowding with Orthodontics and Dental extractions areresuleve
Dental Implant 5.0.0
Developer CR
See how a Dentist place a Dental Implant withpics!See how to place a DentalImplant Dentist With pics!
Como se coloca Implante Dental 3.0.0
Developer CR
Como se Coloca un Implante Dental?As a dental implant isplaced?
Twin Block (Bloque Gemelo) 4.0.0
Developer CR
MIra esta APP acerca de las generalidades deltwin block y su uso en OdontologiaLook at this APP aboutthe generalities of the twin block and its use in dentistry
Cuantos dientes tenemos? 5.0.0
Developer CR
A que edad salen tus dientes? mira estaherramienta facil que te dice cuantos dientes tenemos y a que edadsalen!!At what age your teethout? look this easy tool that tells you how many teeth and at whatage we come !!
Como se hace la resina dental? 2.0.0
Developer CR
Como se hace la resina dental?....miraaquíAs the dental resin is?.... Look here
Endodoncia de 10! 4.0.0
Developer CR
Endodoncia de 10!..tratamiento de ConductoRadicular!! con 9 meses de seguimiento...muy bueno el casoclinicoEndodontics 10! .. RootCanal Treatment !! 9 months follow-up ... very good casereport
Dx Mordida Abierta : Ricketts 6.0.0
Developer CR
Aprende con este ejemplo de un caso clinicocomo se diagnostica un mordida abierta esqueletal con lacefalometría de Ricketts!Learn with this exampleof a clinical case as a skeletal open bite diagnosed with Rickettscephalometric!
Como es un Puente Dental fijo? 3.0.0
Developer CR
Como es un Puente Dental fijo?...mira como serealiza un puente dental fijo cuando te falta un diente!As a fixed Dental Bridge?... Look like a fixed dental bridge is when you are missing atooth!
Buño-Frankel-Mascara Delaire 3.0.0
Developer CR
Aparatologia de Buño-Activador de Frankel-Mascara Delaire en un paciente clase III en crecimientoAparatologia FrankelBuño-Activator Mascara in a patient Delaire growing class III
Frankel Activator 2 3.0.0
Developer CR
Frankel Activator 2 : a Patient with FrankelActivatorFrankel Activator 2: aPatient With Frankel Activator
How is a Dental Fixed Bridge? 3.0.0
Developer CR
How is a Dental Fixed Bridge?..see how it isdone!!How is a Dental FixedBridge? .. See how it is done !!
Dental Crowding Fixed 3.0.0
Developer CR
Dental Crowding Fixed with Orthodontics!Dental Crowding WithFixed Orthodontics!
Necesita endodoncia mi diente? 4.0.0
Developer CR
te mostramos que es un tratamiento tu diente tiene caries avanzada.we show that root canaltreatment is ... if your tooth has advanced decay.
Tengo Obesidad o Sobrepeso? 4.0.0
Developer CR
Esta es una aplicación que te enseña laformula para saber si tienes obesidad o sobrepeso utlizando tuestatura y tu muy facil..utilízala y compartela!This is an applicationthat teaches you the formula to know if you have obesity oroverweight utlizando your height and your weight ... is veryfacil..utilízala and share it!
Amazing Deep Bite Correction!! 5.0.0
Developer CR
Do you have several deep bite ?..check outthis app! with all the images step step..Amazing Deep BiteCorrection!Do you have Several deepbite? .. Check out this app! With all the images step step..AmazingDeep Bite Correction!
Mordida Abierta Corregida 2 4.0.0
Developer CR
Mira esta enorme Mordida Abierta Corregida conOrtodonciaLook at this huge biteOpen corrected Orthodontics
Distalizador de Canino en T 2.0.0
Developer CR
Distalizador de canino en T enseecional..unagran tecnica al estilo de rickettsDistalizertechniquecanine T in great style seecional..una ricketts
Mordida Abierta Reparada 5.0.0
Developer CR
Mordida Abierta Reparada,,mira esta mordidaabierta de 10 mm y como se corrigió con Ortodoncia!Open bite Reparada ,,watch this open bite 10 mm and corrected with orthodontics!
Como se cura una caries? 4.0.0
Developer CR
Como se cura una caries?...mira esta app quete explica como el dentista te cura una caries dentalCaries as a cure? ...Look this app that tells you how your dentist will cure toothdecay
Protesis Parcial Removible 6.0.0
Developer CR
En esta Aplicación podrás encontrar todosobrePPR ,excelente para técnicos dentales, estudiantes deodontologia,odontologos generales y prostodoncistas.In this applicationyoucan find everything about PPR, excellent for dentaltechnicians,dental students, general dentists andprosthodontists.
What is a Root Canal? 3.0.0
Developer CR
What is a Root Canal in dentistry? see it!What is a Root Canal indentistry? see it!
Amazing Over-Jet Correction 5.0.0
Developer CR
Amazing Over jet Correction withMiniscrews!Over Correction WithAmazing jet Miniscrews!
Cefalometria de Steiner 4.0.0
Developer CR
Cefalometria de SteinerSteinercephalometric
Cefalometria de Ricketts 2 4.0.0
Developer CR
Cefalometria de Ricketts 2Ricketts cephalometric2
Dx Cefalometria de Ricketts 2 2.0.0
Developer CR
Dx Cefalometria de Ricketts 2Ricketts cephalometricDx2
Types of Braces 5.0.0
Developer CR
Types of Braces: see types of braces...esteticbraces, lingual braces,metal braces, invisible braces!!Types of Braces: seetypes of braces ... estetic braces, lingual braces, metal bracesinvisible braces !!
How Do braces work?? 5.0.0
Developer CR
hi !!this app shows you how braceswork!!!hi !! this app shows youhow braces work !!!
Developer CR
Dental Crowding and Braces 5.0.0
Developer CR
Dental Crowding and Braces: 1 patientCrowding and DentalBraces: 1 patient
Amazing Open Bite Correction 8.0.0
Developer CR
If you have an Open Bite and your dentist saysyou it can´t be him this app....!!Amazing Open BiteCorrection!!If You have an Open Biteyou and your dentist says it can't be fixed ... show him this app.... !! Amazing !! Open Bite Correction
Dental Spaces: Orthodontics 3.0.0
Developer CR
Dental Spaces: OrthodonticsDental Spaces:Orthodontics
Mandibular prognathism-Ortho 2.0.0
Developer CR
Mandibular prognathism: Orthodontics...1PatientMandibular prognathism:Orthodontics ... 1 Patient
Amazing Open Bite Corection 2 3.0.0
Developer CR
Amazing Open Bite Corection 2..withOrthodontics!Amazing corection 2..withOpen Bite Orthodontics!
Canine Hidden: Orthodontics 3.0.0
Developer CR
Canine Hidden: Orthodontics ....1patientCanine Hidden:Orthodontics .... 1 patient
Postes intrarradiculares 5.0.0
Developer CR
Postes Intrarradiculares en Odontologia : Todolo que necesitas saberIntraradicular posts inDentistry: All you need to know
Diagnóstico en Endodoncia 2.0.0
Developer CR
Esta Aplicación es para estudiar laUltimaClasificación del Diagnóstico en EndodonciaThis application istostudy the Last classification Diagnosis in Endodontics
Baby and Adult Teeth Order 6.0.0
Developer CR
Baby and adult teeth Order! see with this easyapp how to check time of dental Eruption of your teethBaby and adult teethOrder! With This easy app see how to check time dental of Eruptionof your teeth
High Canine teeth ! Braces 4.0.0
Developer CR
High Canine teeth ! Braces....for Patients whohave this problems! can be fixed with Orthodontics!High Canine teeth! Braces.... for Patients Who Have esta problems! ... It can be fixed WithOrthodontics!
Quad-helix and open bite fixed 9.0.0
Developer CR
Quad-helix and open bite CorrectionQuad-helix and openbiteCorrection
Cefalometria de Ricketts 8.0.0
Developer CR
Cefalomeria de Ricketts!! con planos , angulosy facil de estudiar!!Ricketts Cefalomeria !!with planes, angles and easy to study !!
How is a dental white filling? 5.0.0
Developer CR
How is a dental white filling?...see it!How is a white dentalfilling? ... See it!
Activador de Frankel 2 3.0.0
Developer CR
Activador de Frankel 2Frankel Enabler 2
Instr Cirugia Maxilofacial 4.0.0
Developer CR
Esta Aplicacion práctica permite estudiarelinstrumental que necesitan los Dentistas en Cirugia OralyMaxilofacial.This practicalapplicationallows to study the instruments needed by dentists inOral andMaxillofacial Surgery.
Dental Forceps and Elevators 2.0.0
Developer CR
This app is for Dentistry Students,dentistsFocus about Oral Surgery.This app is forDentistryStudents, dentists Focus About Oral Surgery.
Blanqueamiento Dental en casa 4.0.0
Developer CR
Esta app te enseña como realizarunblanqueamiento dental en es con asesoria de unOdontologoprofesional mejorThis app teaches youhowto perform tooth whitening at home ... if with advice fromaprofessional best Odontologo
Klammt Activator 3.0.0
Developer CR
Klammt Activator: 1 Patient !AmazingChange!!Klammt Activator:1Patient! Amazing Change !!